Rolls Royce

The UK and USA Rolls Royce teams approached us in 2020 wanting to explore organisational issues that they were experiencing around race. 

With over 22,000 employees over 7 large UK sites and a further 6,000 across 27 North American states, Roll Royce’s workforce had a large number of Black and Asian employees, as well as Hispanic in USA. In this context, it was crucial that the team invested in understanding how to build better Ethnic Equity and sensitively explore the barriers that ethnically minoritsed staff experienced.

We proposed creating a dynamic exchange of influence to drive transformation. 

  • This took the form of a Co-Mentoring scheme across both the UK and USA sites to accelerate minoritised talent, but also work with current leaders (who were from different backgrounds), to make the mentoring relationship safe.

  • We set the team up for success by establishing a pilot around knowing yourself, your mentor/ mentee and exploring your values and purpose in an ‘Ikigai’ style session

  • These 3 modules were shared with managers to integrate into smart goals as well as mentoring.

This dynamic, two-way scheme, across two continents created an environment where Rolls Royce’s multicultural staff were brought closer together, through their differences. The Co-Mentoring scheme also sparked an on-going series of speaker sessions with inspirational consultants and educators like Africa Brooke, Lawrence Lartey and David Slocum.

Engineers building a rolls royce ghost



Alexander McQueen